'I can't breathe...'

30 Aðustos 2024 09:08 / 417 kez okundu!



These were the last words of George Floyd, who was killed by police in the US when they sat on him.

Gaza has been an open-air prison since 2007. Surrounded on 4 sides by Israel, with 13,000 people per squaremile, an open-air prison where going out and coming in depends on Israel's permission.

All products entering Gaza are subject to Israeli control.

For #325days no water, electricity, fuel has been allowed into Gaza.




"I can't breathe..."

These were the last words of George Floyd, who was killed by police in the US when they sat on him.

Gaza has been an open-air prison since 2007. Surrounded on 4 sides by Israel, with 13,000 people per squaremile, an open-air prison where going out and coming in depends on Israel's permission.

All products entering Gaza are subject to Israeli control.

For #325days no water, electricity, fuel has been allowed into Gaza.

The electricity generators in hospitals are almost out of fuel. Babies in incubators and patients in intensive care units died.

Because of the lack of water, people have started drinking seawater. This will have fatal consequences.

More than 20,000 children have died in the bombardment of Gaza in the last 325days.

That's about one child death every 40 minutes!

At least 1,500 children in Gaza have lost their limbs or eyes, or suffered other permanent disabilities due to Israeli attacks, according to figures from the Gaza government media office.

And if nothing is done, it is only a matter of time before thousands more children die of diseases.

The US and Israel are sitting in Gaza like the policeman on George Floyd.

Gaza can't breathe.

Gaza can't breathe.

Gaza can't breathe.







"Nefes alamýyorum..."

ABD'de polisin üzerine oturarak öldürdüðü George Floyd'un son sözleri böyleydi. Gazze, 2007'den beri açýk hava hapishanesi. Dört tarafý Ýsrail tarafýndan çevrili, kilometrekareye 13.000 kiþinin düþtüðü, dýþarý çýkýp girmenin Ýsrail'in iznine baðlý olduðu bir açýk hava hapishanesi.

Gazze'ye giren tüm ürünler Ýsrail kontrolüne tabidir.

#325days için Gazze'ye su, elektrik, yakýt giriþi yasaklandý.

Hastanelerdeki jeneratörlerin yakýtý neredeyse bitti. Kuvözlerdeki bebekler ve yoðun bakým ünitelerindeki hastalar öldü.

Su eksikliðinden dolayý insanlar deniz suyu içmeye baþladýlar. Bunun ölümcül sonuçlarý olacak.

Gazze'ye yönelik bombardýmanda son 325 günde 20 bini aþkýn çocuk hayatýný kaybetti.

Bu, her 40 dakikada bir çocuðun ölümü anlamýna geliyor!

Gazze hükümetinin medya ofisinden alýnan verilere göre, Ýsrail saldýrýlarý nedeniyle Gazze'de en az 1.500 çocuk uzuvlarýný, gözlerini kaybetti veya baþka kalýcý sakatlýklar yaþadý.

Ve eðer bir þey yapýlmazsa binlerce çocuðun daha hastalýklardan ölmesi an meselesidir.

ABD ve Ýsrail, George Floyd'un polisi gibi Gazze'de oturuyor.

Gazze nefes alamýyor.

Gazze nefes alamýyor.

Gazze nefes alamýyor.





Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 30 Aðustos 2024 09:48


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